Time for the Big Bed!

Transitioning from cot to bed. A quick guide.
Moving from the baby cot to the big bed is a milestone in the life of your toddler and an exciting marker for you all! The transition can also bring challenges but if you approach this time together, sharing all the decisions on bedding and choice of bed, and ensuring that everyone is ready, it can be a smooth and happy change.
There are a number of things to consider before suggesting the big bed option. It is advisable not to initiate the move too soon. After all, there are advantages to your child continuing to sleep in a safe and secure cot for another while, if they are happy there. With cot sleeping, there is no wandering around at night, no concerns about safety hazards such as stairs and they cannot fall out. However, they cannot stay sleeping in a cot till their toes peep out through the bars at the end and the move to a bed will be inevitable at some time. It’s a big decision and many parents wonder if they are getting the timing right.
Most toddlers move from the cot to their own bed at around two and a half years to three years old. As with all parenting, and with children, there are no hard and fast rules to this. There may also be some reasons why you might push that move forward. For example, if a new baby is on the way and you need to free the cot for the new arrival. In this case, it is probably a good idea to move the child before the new baby is born or when the new baby is a few months old so that they don’t feel pushed out and harbours resentment. You could also borrow a second cot if you have a young toddler who isn’t ready to move, rather than pushing the move and meeting resistance.
There are indicators and some sure signs that your toddler is ready for a bigger bed. An obvious one is when they are climbing out of the cot on a regular basis. Another reason may be that they are just too big to sleep comfortably anymore. When they have been toilet trained as they may need to get out and use the bathroom at night. Successful toilet training (successful means getting the concept even if there is still the odd accident!) is an indication you’re your child has conquered impulse control which means they are more likely to stay in their own bed. You are best placed to assess whether your wee one is emotionally ready and can physically get in and out of bed safely. It helps if they are excited and happy about the prospect of their own big bed. Chat it through with your child and do fun things like choosing appropriate and fun bedding together.
Sometimes the shift to a bed brings a few new bedtime challenges. The biggest of these is likely to be the walking around at night. Eye rolls from all parents who sleep in tiny portions of king-sized beds while a toddler starfish sleeps in the centre! You may need to accept that often those little feet make their way to your bed once the newfound freedom of getting in and out of bed presents itself. There are other practicalities and serious safety issues to consider too. A gate on the stairs or at the child’s bedroom door, if you prefer, will give some ease of mind to the night walkers. Pay special attention to curtain and blind cords and warp them around cleats attached to the wall and well out of reach of wee hands. Most modern blinds and curtains for children’s rooms do not have cords. Keep hanging mobiles high and out of the way of inquisitive little people. These are all dangerous for unsupervised children. Take away anything your child could climb on, like chairs and toy boxes. Use covers on electric plug outlets and make sure there are locks on windows. We have an extensive range of child safety products and our sales team are always happy to advise on what you might need once your busy toddler can get in and out of bed on their own.
The move from cot to bed should be a fun and happy time for you and your family. Planning ahead will make this milestone in your child’s life a pleasant experience. Decorating the room together with safe and cute night lights, blankets with their favourite characters and a new cuddly bed toy will help in making the change from cot to bed successful and stress-free.