We are all used to a more stimulated lifestyle than any previous generation. T.V., Netflix, Theatres, Cinemas and Art Galleries feed our imagination and inspire us to greater things. Or at least, they inspire us to greater posts on Instagram and more interesting conversations. But the world of culture is not just for adults and the organisers of events, galleries and theatre venues are appreciating this new and untapped audiences with many inventive ways to attract your baby and toddler from the cradle to the theatre seat.
Theatre venues like the Mac in Belfast are among the leaders in providing child-friendly or ‘relaxed’ performances of their productions. At these designated shows, the lights are left on, the actors explain the ‘baddies’ early on in proceedings and the volume is down a notch or two on stage. In the audience there is a higher tolerance for noise and movement which makes it a welcoming place for younger children and those with disabilities. It’s a perfect introduction to Theatre.
The Hawkswell Theatre in Sligo

regularly organise shows which are geared specifically for the younger audience, from classical concerts, the very popular Beethoven Babies and Baroque Babies to the sing-along all singing all dancing human Skittles that are the Speks. A full programme of events for children from tiny to tweeny to teenager is on the menu in most auditoriums.
Cinemas are also cashing in on the baby boom in entertainment. The Carrick Cineplex hosts parent/carer baby morning screenings of new movies. ‘Rattle and Stroll’ happens once a month. The films are aimed at adults but with a sensible rating. No Texas Chain saw Massacres but LaLa Land musicals and romantic comedies. Lights are left low, volume is low in what they call a relaxed social environment. Obviously there is a tolerance of baby and child noise. Although it has to be said that the baby friendly cinema is really about allowing parents to visit the cinema in a tolerant atmosphere and less about encouraging the inner film buff in the toddler. No doubt early exposure to movies may inspire for the future.
Art galleries and venues are aware that this audience enjoy interactive play or taking part and they too have included the tinniest citizens in planning their schedule of events for the year. The Model in Sligo, and the Dock in Carrick on Shannon hosts a series of workshops in February and
March ‘My toddler and me’ offering sessions in toddler drama, art &crafts, messy play and guaranteed fun. I know you probably feel that your life is full of toddler drama and messy play, but this is a chance to see work with artists and drama facilitators.

Children are naturally curious and open to new experiences. An early introduction to appropriate theatre, films and art can only enhance their development, broaden their minds and feed those wonderful imaginations. We don’t have to go far from home to find suitable entertainment for the little ones, and if we happen to enjoy the events ourselves, well that can only be a bonus.